
BASH Basics: Introduction to BASH - Part 5

Our adventure into scripting continues with more tests, if statements, input and functions; we also do calculations from within BASH. First, let's look into filename manipulation, since this seems to be one of the most popular things needed in beginner scripts. As a bonus for making it through a lot of theory, we have another example of BASH programming in the form of a game.  ▶


Android Gaming

Rob promptly asked if I didn't have a pool of games I just played on my ODROID running Android and for a miraculous stroke of luck I did have it! Who could imagine that I play games on my spare time?  ▶


Your Very Own Mobile Internet Device

This is a MID or mobile internet device in the same vein, with the same unending promise, as the pocket computers of old. Cellular-connected and running a full desktop operating system, this device can enable you in a way that current hand-held mobile platforms will not.  ▶