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The original H2 and H2 REV.B carried two 1GbE NIC whose driver is included in both Windows 10 and recent Linux distributions. On the other hand the ODROID H2+ is equipped with two 2.5GbE NIC based on the Realtek 8125B chipset. This chipset is rather recent and its support in ▶ The ODROID-H2 is back, this time in a slightly upgraded form - named aptly, the ODROID-H2+! Accordingly the board revision code is REV-B+ (while the previous production batch was REV-B). We announced the original ODROID-H2 back in November 2018, as a new generation of single board computer (SBC) - an ▶ Recently, I decided to build my own cell phone out of an ODROID-GO Advance using a SIM800L module which included a speaker and mic. Thanks to the ample space inside the case, this hardware installation was pretty easy. For this build, I used a Debian Buster image with the SIM880L ▶ Looks to me everyone has been stuck indoors for longer than they desired. Some of us had to work during this time too. Working on a small laptop screen is no fun task, and using HDMI cables while kids run around is not fun either. So, how about we use ▶ The ODROID-C4 is a new generation single board computer that is more energy efficient and has higher performance than the ODROID-C2 which was introduced over four years ago, as the world's first affordable ARM 64-bit computer. The ODROID-C4 features an Amlogic S905X3 CPU which is a quad-core Cortex-A55 cluster with ▶ This is a short tutorial to help you with your ROM sets and the ODROID-GO Advance. Many of us have ROM sets with accompanying media files like box art, screen shots, logos, etc. Sometimes these ROM sets have compressed files. Now do we really want to be using up precious ▶ I thought a small keyboard with an analog stick underneath it attached to the ODROID-GO Advance, similar to the keyboard for the classic ODROID-GO, would be a great project. The keyboard could attach via USB, but a USB Hub Chip would also be needed so that a USB WiFi module ▶
Setting up the ODROID-H2+: Installing the H2+ NIC Driver
ODROID-H2+: The New And Enhanced X86 Platform
ODROID-GO Advance Cell Phone: A Custom Built and Coded Cell Phone
Multi Screen Desktop Using VNC - Part 2: An Improved And Simplified Version
Introducing the New ODROID-C4: A New Generation Single Board Computer
ODROID-GO Advance Tips And Tricks: Unzip ROMs While Maintaining Box Art And Game List
Adding A Mouse And Keyboard To Your ODROID-GO Advance: Making the Ultimate on the GO Computer