BASH Basics: Introduction to BASH
Customize the BASH prompt and BASH behavior ▶
Customize the BASH prompt and BASH behavior ▶
This part covers the most basic introduction to scripting to BASH ▶
Our adventure into scripting continues with more tests, if statements, input and functions; we also do calculations from within BASH. First, let's look into filename manipulation, since this seems to be one of the most popular things needed in beginner scripts. As a bonus for making it through a lot of theory, we have another example of BASH programming in the form of a game. ▶
After all the theoretical stuff in the last few parts of this series, we’re going to take a breather and deal with clever ways to increase productivity in BASH when working with ODROID. The default Ubuntu MATE system is chock-full of useful utilities without requiring so much as installing additional programs. Now, let us take this unused potential for a spin. ▶
Productivity is key. One of the reasons people work on the command line with BASH, despite all the fancy graphic options even for SBCs like our ODROIDs, is that you can get your task done faster, and with options for automation. ▶
This guide is a beginner-friendly introduction to the BASH shell ▶
Last time, we learned about the ‘ls’ and ‘tree’ commands. While looking at things is nice, it's more fun to actually do something with our data. This article contains a list of the common commands for manipulating data. The command and its explanation are kept very brief to avoid writing a Linux encyclopedia and boring you all to death. They should just bring the existence of a command to your attention. ▶
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