
Playing Modern FNA Games on the ODROID Platform

FNA is an open source re-implementation of XNA. XNA is a game framework created by Microsoft Corp., and is quite popular. A few notable games have been written with XNA (wich is for MS Windows only) and later ported to Linux and MacOS using FNA and/or MonoGames. Let's make it work on our ODROID.  ▶


OGST Gaming Console Kit for the ODROID-XU4

The OGST Gaming Console Kit for the ODROID-XU4 kit allows you to build your own gaming console with a powerful ODROID-XU4 or ODROID-XU4Q. Its attractive design includes a fancy 2.4” LCD to show programmable game logo animations, and is specifically designed to work with the popular ODROID GameStation Turbo disk image. The Gaming Console Kit is available at the Hardkernel store for USD$24, and pairs well with the new GameSir G3w USB Controller Joystick. The ODROID-XU4 or XU4Q, microSD card or eMMC module, 5V/4A PSU and USB game controller/joystick are not included.  ▶


Linux Gaming: Nintendo 64 Emulation - Part 1

It took a while to get N64 emulation to work on all the ODROID boards under Linux. However, now that it's functioning, it's quite fun and opens up lots of opportunities for classic gaming. Hopefully in the future, we will see more improvement and have even better support for N64 emulators on ODROID devices under Linux.  ▶