
September 2017 (ODROID-HC1)

We have transitioned to an HTML version of the magazine, which has quite a few improvements over the PDF version: Mobile friendly Comments for each article Code blocks are no longer inappropriately hyphenated Google searches will bring up individual articles Categories and tags make it easy to find groups of  ▶


April 2020 (Stay Safe at Home)

This month’s ODROID Magazine is now available, and like always it’s filled with loads of exciting and interesting articles, to help you have some fun while staying safe at home. For all those ODROIDians out there with an ODROID-GO Advance, you're in luck as we have several great articles for  ▶


October 2017 (Multimedia Home Server)

This month, we concentrate on home server and high performance computing solutions using the new ODROID-MC1 and ODROID-HC1. OpenMediaVault is a way to securely share files across the Internet so that you can access them from your smartphone or remotely from anywhere in the world. Docker Swarm mode allows multiple  ▶


January 2019 (5 Year Anniversary)

We are excited to announce that it’s our 5th anniversary of the ODROID magazine! Justin Lee, CEO of Hardkernel, gives us the history of the company in our “Meet An ODROIDian” section. Additionally, Bruno does an amazing job of giving us a retrospective of ODROID magazine in his article. If  ▶

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May 2020 (ODROID-C4)

This month’s ODROID Magazine is now available, and we're excited to announce the new ODROID-C4. Along with this, we have an action-packed article about creating an autonomous ODROID-XU4 drone written by Yehonathan Litman. If you're a fan of classic x86 gaming Tobias has an excellent write-up about getting Box86 up and  ▶


November 2017 (LineageOS)

If you've been wondering what happened to Cyanogenmod, which is no longer being supported, it has a new successor:  LineageOS.  Our feature article describes how to get LineageOS running on your ODROID with step-by-step compilation instructions.  We also feature several tinkering projects, such as adding a power on/off button to  ▶


February 2019 (Amibian.js Commodore Amiga Emulation)

This month, Jon Aasenden shows us Commodore Amiga Emulation with Amibian.js. For our ODROID-GOs we have several terrific articles such as turning our GOs into FTP servers and two new Coding Camps that focus on the GO’s wireless capabilities. Andreas Lintermann shows us his ODROID-MC1 cluster he uses for scientific  ▶


June 2020 (ODROID-GO Advance Black Edition)

We are excited to showoff the new ODROID-GO Advance Black Edition, as our headline article in our first issue of our Community Edition of ODROID Magazine. Be sure to have a look and read all about it!


December 2017 (Bluetooth)

This month, our feature article shows you how to create a hands-free Bluetooth connection with your iPhone for use in the car. We also introduce Hardkernel's latest audio device, the Stereo Boom Bonnet, and present a sound engineering project on how to improve the sound of any speaker with a  ▶


March 2019 (ODROID-N2)

This month we are excited to announce the ODROID-N2, a new high performance single board computer that can run Android Pie. We learn about crossgrading from armhf to arm64, just in time to help us transition to our new ODROID-N2. Dave Prochnow shows a great use for our ODROID-GO by  ▶