
Introduction to BASH Basics - Part 2: Useful BASH commands for Single Board Computers

Last time, we learned about the ‘ls’ and ‘tree’ commands. While looking at things is nice, it's more fun to actually do something with our data. This article contains a list of the common commands for manipulating data. The command and its explanation are kept very brief to avoid writing a Linux encyclopedia and boring you all to death. They should just bring the existence of a command to your attention.  ▶


Getting Started With OpenCL: Using The ODROID-XU4

While I tested OpenGL ES with tools like glmark2-es2 and es2gears, as well as WebGL demos in Chromium, I did not test OpenCL, since I’m not that familiar with it, except it’s used for GPGPU (General Purpose GPU) to accelerate tasks like image/audio processing. That was a good excuse to  ▶


How to Setup a Minecraft Server

Este artículo detalla cómo instalar un servidor básico de Minecraft en tu ODROID, para que puedas ejecutar juegos online con algunos de tus amigos en un mundo creado por ti. Usar el ODROID como un sandbox - entorno de pruebas - de bajo coste también es una excelente forma de probar mapas, actualizaciones y modificaciones antes de subirlos a un servidor público.  ▶

Meet an ODROIDian

Meet An ODROIDian: Roberto Rosario

Please tell us a little about yourself. Hello, my name is Roberto Rosario. I’m the creator of Mayan EDMS, a free open source document management software, the OpenHolter a portable, Arduino based electrocardiogram machine and Rocket Launcher the custom software launcher for the ODROID Go. I’m a software developer working  ▶


CarPC In this article, I'd like to introduce you to my CarPC project. This project is built from four main parts: A custom display based on a 2 DIN Android head unit case ODROID-XU4Q ZTE Blade for 3G modem and GPS tracking when the car is shut off LG LAC5900RN  ▶

Meet an ODROIDian Ernst Mayer
Meet an ODROIDian

Meet An ODROIDian: Ernst Mayer, Mathematician Extraordinaire

I've been living and working in Silicon Valley for roughly the last 20 years, doing algorithmic and coding work first for several tech startups and then for larger firms. Most of that work was related to EDA software for chip design. Last year, the 4-5 months after buying my C2 were spent doing heavy-duty inline-assembly coding, debug and performance tuning.  ▶