Retro Roller: An Optimized Gaming Experience For Your ODROID-GO Advance

Retroroller is a pre-built image for the ODROID-GO Advance that provides RetroArch 32bit and 64bit on CrashOverride's one and only stock image. Among other tweaks, a custom kernel is integrated that supports sleep. The idea with this image is to be able to update via a rolling package release instead of reflashing. Note that any major OS upgrades like CrashOverride's upcoming Ubuntu image will require a reflash. This image represents what I run on my ODROID-GO Advance and, as such, I will most likely not be making this into a kitchen sink of apps like other images.

 Figure 1 - The Retro Roller Gaming Image for the ODROID-GO Advance is based on RetroArch
Figure 1 - The Retro Roller Gaming Image for the ODROID-GO Advance is based on RetroArch

How to update

If you get prompted to update config files, choose which action you want to take. You should probably backup any files you changed first including RetroArch configuration files and scripts until you're comfortable with the dpkg upgrades. You only need to download the latest deb package and install that. This means you don't have to install each version up to the latest.

In the following commands, substitute for the most recent package version:

$ sudo dpkg -i retroroller_.deb
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -f install

Key Bindings

There is a global listener with the following keybindings:

F3 + left/right -> volume
F3 + up/down -> brightness
power -> suspend
F3 + power -> shutdown
F3 + L -> perfnorm
F3 + R -> perfmax
RetroArch has specific keybinds as well:
F3 -> Hotkey
L + R -> Menu
You can use the “Customize Settings” -> “Input” option to change the keybindings to your liking.


  • 64bit and 32bit app support (thanks to CrashOverride's stock image)
  • RetroArch 64bit and 32bit pre-installed
  • Blue heartbeat led is turned off
  • perfmax also sets the mem governor to high
  • Custom kernel with sleep enabled
  • RetroArch apps setup to download cores from Safarikniv's site
  • NOirBRight's es_system.cfg uses retroarch where available
  • Shutdown/reboot works
  • Headphone/speaker auto-switching works


  • CrashOverride for all of his hard work on creating the Stock image, libgo2,
  • initial retroarch port and countless other things for this platform.
  • Lakka team for their RetroArch patches, testing and integration.
  • NOirBRight for his extensive testing and feedback.
  • Safarikniv for hosting both 32bit and 64bit RetroArch cores for download.

Pull requests from the community are welcome!


The initial release and based image are available at!etlnUTjT!nxOhiLzG03jbXgcyiUeh7_B6ovHBqvDFGWTQ4uR58Ho. Updates are available at

To update the image, ou need to have SSH access (via WiFi or ethernet). You have first to copy the .deb file onto the ODROID-GO Advance using WinSCP or Filezilla:

$ scp retroroller_1.0-2.deb odroid@OGA_IP_ADDRESS
Next, SSH to the ODROID using the Linux command line on another computer, or use PuTTY on Windows:
$ ssh odroid@OGA_IP_ADDRESS
Then, update the package:
$ sudo dpkg -i retroroller_1.0-2.deb
When asked if you want to overwrite, answer Y or I:

Configuration file '/opt/retroroller/scripts/' ==> File on system created by you or by a script. ==> File also in package provided by package maintainer. What would you like to do about it ? Your options are: Y or I : install the package maintainer's version N or O : keep your currently-installed version D : show the differences between the versions Z : start a shell to examine the situation The default action is to keep your current version. *** (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? I Installing new version of config file /opt/retroroller/scripts/ ...

The unofficial release thread is available at For comments, questions, and suggestions, please visit the original article at

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