
October 2018 (Car Infotainment)

For this October’s issue, Tobias Schaaf makes us all nostalgia in part 1 of his Game Nostalgia series. @Kamots shows us his ODROID-GO wireless charging mod, which is perfect as our Coding Camp guide this month describes reading the ODROID-GO’s battery voltage. @poptmartone takes his ODROID-C2 on the road running  ▶


March 2018 (Prime Numbers)

A new ODROID is on the way! This month, we preview benchmarks for the upcoming ODROID-N1 vs the trusty ODROID-XU4. Adrian also helps us automate complex parts of our lives with home automation, Ernst give us a fascinating look into discovering prime numbers with the ODROID-C2, we play some classic  ▶


January 2018 (Dashboard)

We are celebrating our fifth year of ODROID Magazine this month, and are very happy to continue providing tutorials, projects, and gaming reviews for the ODROID community.  This month, we feature an article on how to create a custom dashboard for Home Assistant using Python.  Hardkernel also announced a new  ▶