A new ODROID is on the way! This month, we preview benchmarks for the upcoming ODROID-N1 vs the trusty ODROID-XU4. Adrian also helps us automate complex parts of our lives with home automation, Ernst give us a fascinating look into discovering prime numbers with the ODROID-C2, we play some classic Saturn games with Tobias on part 2 of his gaming series, the ODROID-C2 is set up as a Chromium-based web kiosk, and @hominoid offers a guide for compiling clinfo for the ODROID-XU4, which will come in handy as we learn how to do dual GPU mining.
For more accurate time, we set up an ODROID-C2 and a GPS with PPS to create a NTP server, then we take a beginner's look at getting started with Android on the ODROID-C2. @williamg42 shows off control computer using his ODROID-XU4, and our Meet An ODROIDian this month features Hardkernel engineer Go Sang “Luke” Chul.