ODROID Magazine

Protect Your Privacy: Why You Should Probably Make Your Own Home Automation Devices
With all of the hacks, vulnerabilities, data leaks and other disheartening news surrounding cloud services, cloud products, and big data companies, you may want to consider putting in the effort to create your own version of these solutions. "Smart" doorbell Have you read the recent news that the "smart doorbell" ▶

Mobile Workstation: Using An ODROID-N2 To Create A Full-Featured Computing Experience
Because I somehow managed to lose my BIOS password and lock myself out, I had to part with my old and beloved laptop, the one running Debian, but instead of just jumping to the latest Thinkpad, I wanted to see if I could somehow mix those cravings mentioned above: a ▶

KVM: Fun with virtualization on the ODROID-H2
When it comes to the ODROID-H2, my use case for it is to work as a virtualization host, to run a few test VMs to run software on, or test upgrades of systems for my company (e.g. upgrading from older OS versions to newer versions). Looking at the forum, I ▶

The G Spot: Your go-to destination for all things that are Android Gaming
Our long wait is finally over: Google Stadia, this universal game-changing streaming service, has gone live now! It debuted late November, 2019. As discussed in earlier articles from this column, on this launch date, Google Stadia will ONLY be available to subscribers of the Stadia Founder’s Edition. As you may ▶

Building An ODROID-H2 BladeCenter: Create A Micro-footprint High Performance Computing Station
After receiving inspiration from the excellent OpenSCAD H2 Model posted at https://forum.odroid.com/viewtopic.php?f=172&t=33824, I created a remix of the fantastic Raspberry Blade Center to house 3 ODROID-H2 units. I made the following changes to the original project: Migrated the files to SolidWorks Built an assembly Aligned the fasteners Widened the cart ▶

Surviving A Power Outage: Operating e-Commerce Business During Regional Power Outage
Imagine if the electricity to your business was cut off. But not just your business -- your city, your county and your entire region! That is what ameriDroid was faced with due to PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutoff that started on Saturday, October 26, 2019, and lasted until the afternoon ▶

Creating a Vision Application In Low Power Situations: Using OpenVino and OpenCV With The ODROID-C2
This article will guide you on your journey of setting up an ODROID-C2 with Ubuntu* 16.04 (LTS), building CMake*, OpenCV, and Intel® OpenVINO™ toolkit, setting up your Intel® NCS 2, and running a few samples to make sure everything is ready for you to build and deploy your Intel® OpenVINO™ ▶