ODROID Magazine

ODROID-HC1 and ODROID-MC1: Affordable High-Performance And Cloud Computing At Home
The ODROID-HC1 is a single board computer (SBC) which is an affordable solution for a network attached storage (NAS) server, and the ODROID-MC1 is a simple solution for those who need an affordable and powerful personal cluster.

ODROID Wall Display: Using An LCD Monitor And An ODROID To Show Helpful Information
A wall monitor is an effective method of passively delivering a constant stream of information. Rather than purchasing a digital picture frame that is not only expensive, but is also small with limited functionality, why not use a computer monitor or TV screen with an ODROID to display photos, weather ▶

Linux Gaming: Fanboy Part 2 - I am a Sega Fanboy!
In the 1980s and 1990s, Nintendo and Sega fought to dominate the console market. While both had similar products, there were still some major differences. If you compare their earlier products, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Sega Master System (SMS), and Game Boy/Game Boy Color (GB/GBC) and Game Gear ▶

Digole Serial Displays: Driving Digole’s Serial Display in UART, I2C, and SPI Modes with an ODROID-C1+
Digole.com offers several intelligent serial displays that are controlled through a complete set of high-level proprietary commands. These commands make drawing complex graphics and displaying images and video much easier, offering a offer a layer of abstraction that makes it easy to port their displays to a number of different ▶