ODROID Magazine
Linux Gaming: Anbox - Android In A Box
Although I normally only talk about the ARM based ODROID boards I want to talk about the ODROID-H2 today and something that you can do on it. Since the ODROID-H2 is a standard x86_64 (amd64) board you can do exactly the same configuration steps that you perform on every other ▶
Kernel Modules
If you’ve been around the Hardkernel Forum long enough the word ‘kernel module’ should sound familiar to you. However, if you’re new to the Linux world the details about what exactly Kernel Modules are might be unclear. This article is intended to not only make you aware of what exactly ▶
ODROID-N2 UART Custom Baud Rate for MIDI
I needed my ODROID-N2’s UART port to operate at a non-standard baud rate so that I could use MIDI. I edited the UART driver code to set baudrate to 31250 when setting baud rate to 38400, then wrote test code using wiringPi, and measured the baud rate. UART driver after ▶
Gaming on the ODROID-H2: Running Lakka on the ODROID-H2
Last month’s issue of ODROID Magazine featured an article “Lakka: Building The Ultimate ODROID-XU4 / XU4Q Gaming Console”, available at https://magazine.odroid.com/article/lakka-building-the-ultimate-odroid-xu4-xu4q-gaming-console/. This article focused on gaming with a ODROID-XU4, however, there is a potentially even more powerful ODROID, the H2. While the ODROID-XU4 does an amazing job at retro gaming, ▶