ODROID Magazine

Mini ODROID-XU4 Dreamcast
This is a Dreamcast case designed for the ODROID-XU4 single board computer which can play DC games very well. This is designed as a snap-together case but some fine trimming may be needed, to snap together properly. Case dimensions should be already pre-saved at 4.25"x4.25". it will have to be ▶

Introducing NEMS Linux: Part 2 - Monitoring a Local Linux Server
Last month I introduced you to NEMS Linux, the Nagios Enterprise Monitoring Server for ODROID devices. If you haven’t read that article yet, please start there. It will take you through the initial setup of NEMS Linux and arm you with some important information to help you get started. This ▶

Meet An ODROIDian: Roberto Rosario
Please tell us a little about yourself. Hello, my name is Roberto Rosario. I’m the creator of Mayan EDMS, a free open source document management software, the OpenHolter a portable, Arduino based electrocardiogram machine and Rocket Launcher the custom software launcher for the ODROID Go. I’m a software developer working ▶