Welcome to our 50th issue! This month, Hardkernel released a new product, the ODROID-HC2, which is an updated version of the ODROID-HC1 that now supports 3.5" hard drives. It is a stackable mini-PC that can be used as a cloud server, NAS, or home server, and is ideal for environments where space is a consideration. We also feature two tinkering projects: PiFace, which is a control and display attachment that can be easily adapted to work with the ODROID-C2, and a CAN Bus implementation for the ODROID-C1+ and ODROID-XU4.
On the software side, Justin shows us how to use SquashFS to create a read-only file system, and ArduPilot.org demonstrates creating a WiFi access point to share files via Samba. For Android gaming enthusiasts, we present a guide to creating the ultimate gaming console to play your favorite PSX, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, and many other emulated games, as well as reviews of Data Wing, Space Frontier, and Retro Shooting – Pixel Space Shooters. Finally, Tobias continues his excellent Linux Gaming series with a focus on the Sega Saturn console, with recommendations on games that show off the graphical and processing capabilities of the ODROID-XU3/XU4.