
USB 3.0 eMMC Reader

Hardkernel’s ODROID platform has a unique advantage over other similar Single Board Computers (SBCs) that they allow the eMMC module to be removed and reflashes using an external USB adapter. All of Hardkernel’s eMMC modules ship with an SD card adapter that allow the user to flash an operating system or inspect the contents of the solid state drive on another computer using utilities such as Etcher or dd. However, the SD card adapter required that another adapter be used in order to access the drive via USB, and many SD to USB adapters were not compatible with Hardkernel’s adapter.  ▶


Surviving A Power Outage: Operating e-Commerce Business During Regional Power Outage

Imagine if the electricity to your business was cut off. But not just your business -- your city, your county and your entire region! That is what ameriDroid was faced with due to PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutoff that started on Saturday, October 26, 2019, and lasted until the afternoon of Wednesday, October 30 affecting our warehouse in Northern California.  ▶