NTP server

Creating an NTP Server Using GPS/PPS

You can build your own Network Time Protocol (NTP) server using GPS and PPS on your ODROID. This system gives you very accurate time which can be very useful for specific use cases. As a result, our local server can have a very accurate time with less than 10 microseconds of tolerance.  ▶


Upgrading Ubuntu to 18.04

When Ubuntu 18.04 was launched for ODROID-C2 in summer of 2018, Hardkernel stated that unfortunately, due to complicated dependency issues it was impossible to upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 (at that time). That time is gone, let's rock an upgrade for a new release.  ▶


BASH Basics: Introduction to BASH - Part 7

After all the theoretical stuff in the last few parts of this series, we’re going to take a breather and deal with clever ways to increase productivity in BASH when working with ODROID. The default Ubuntu MATE system is chock-full of useful utilities without requiring so much as installing additional programs. Now, let us take this unused potential for a spin.  ▶


Kernel Modules

If you’ve been around the Hardkernel Forum long enough the word ‘kernel module’ should sound familiar to you. However, if you’re new to the Linux world the details about what exactly Kernel Modules are might be unclear. This article is intended to not only make you aware of what exactly a Kernel Module but how to interact and build your own.  ▶


Introducing NEMS Linux - Part 5

In the January issue of ODROID Magazine, I introduced you to some of the new features of NEMS Linux 1.5 and how to upgrade from 1.4.1 to 1.5 using the NEMS Migrator tool. NEMS Linux 1.5 has since been gaining momentum on the XU4 platform. This little single board computer from Hardkernel has proven itself as a stable platform for a Nagios Enterprise Monitoring Server.  ▶