
ODROID-GO Game Kit: A Handheld Gaming Console To Celebrate Hardkernel’s 10th Anniversary

To celebrate ODROID’s 10th anniversary, we present the ODROID-GO Game Kit. It includes a special anniversary board and all the additional parts to put together your own game kit and see the workings behind such a device. It is not only a fun assembly project but also an educational tool to learn about all the hardware and software that goes into building such a device.  ▶

Linux Gaming: Sega Saturn on ODROID-XU4

Linux Gaming: Saturn Games - Part 3

We are back with part 3 of Linux Gaming and this month, we're looking at Sega Saturn games for the ODROID-XU3/XU4. Last time I talked about a lot of shoot ‘em ups, but this article has a good mix of different genres, although I did pick quite a few “mecha”  ▶


Mini ODROID-XU4 Dreamcast

This is a Dreamcast case designed for the ODROID-XU4 single board computer which can play DC games very well. This is designed as a snap-together case but some fine trimming may be needed, to snap together properly. Case dimensions should be already pre-saved at 4.25"x4.25". it will have to be  ▶


OS Spotlight: ODROID GameStation Turbo

One of the biggest projects that I am working on for the ODROID community is the ODROID GameStation Turbo image, which works as a frontend for both games and media playback. It's intended as an entertainment system that allows you to control your ODROID just by using a game controller  ▶


Kodi and Advanced Mame on ODROID-XU4 - Part 2

This is a continuation of a guide for setting up Kodi with Mame, which details how to install the joystick. Ideally, playing with MAME requires a nice joystick. Here are two examples of joystick I've built myself. It's a good exercise of woodwork, painting, designing and electronics and a fun  ▶