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Imagine being able to share, trade, and move your Pokémon between your games on different devices via a centrally-located, Internet-connected server. Sounds like some really wacky, far-out, futuristic stuff, eh? Now you can with pokémon home. Lights, cameras, and ALL action; Hardkernel has a new single board computer (SBC) portable star, again, and it’s named the ODROID-GO Advance. Targeted as a followup portable handheld gaming device to the popular ODROID-GO 10th Anniversary ESP32 platform, the new ODROID-GO Advance is destined to outshine every other SBC game ▶
Shall We Play A Game? - Nintendo Drags Pokémon Into the 21st Century...Kicking and Screaming
The G Spot: Your Goto Destination for All Things That are Android Gaming: New ODROID-GO Advance Could “Go” Android