Pearl Linux Motion Video Surveillance System With Kodi: Advanced Visual Monitoring Using An ODROID-C2

I created a video surveillance image based on Ubuntu 18.04 using the 3.16.75 kernel, featuring pre-installed and active upon first boot Motion Video Surveillance Software running in User Mode not root. It includes a pre-installed Apache Web Server and WebMin to manage your system through web interface, and boots into Pearl's Lightweight MATE desktop with most features from Pearl's 7.0 release.


  • Odroid C2 Pearl Linux Image with Kernel 3.16.75
  • Motion Video Surveillance preinstalled and active upon boot
  • Webmin and Apache Web Server preconfigured and active upon boot
  • latest MATE desktop envirnoment

First, download the image then use Etcher ( to write the image to your SD card or eMMC module. Upon first boot, the system will automatically resize and use all of the available space of your device. Give the system 2-3 minutes after the screen goes blank, then remove power to C2 then reapply power.

To use KODI, logout and log back into a Kodi session rather than Mate. No password is required to log in under the lightdm display manager. The username is either “root” or “odroid”, and the password is “odroid”. You may change the password from the command prompt or in control panel.

Video Surveillance

This Pearl release comes with Motion Video Surveillance version 4.2.2-1pearl7.3 We made a Debian .deb package and added a Basic Camera Viewer (one 2 up, and one for 4 up). The image is ready out of the box, with the only exception that your actual IP address for your computer may not be the same as the one set up on our LAN. We are using the network, which is one of the most common (others are may be or

The location of the camera monitor is at /opt/pearl/mcm. There, you will find 2 files for the 2 up monitor and 2 files for the 4 up. The HTML file is where you will change the IP address if it is not the same. The 2 up and 4 up monitoring are both set to monitor only one camera that is attached to the ODROID-C2 itself. The others are being pulled from other computers on your LAN running the motion software. You can download and install our version of Motion from our repositories at Other images are available at

Release notes

Because the video surveillance starts at boot, the directory /var/lib/motion will be Add pictures and short video clips to that directory automatically. If using a 16GB Micro SD card, you will want to watch that directory because it can fill up the card quickly. You can change any directives including turning the automatic creation of these files in the main Motion config file located at /etc/motion/montion.conf.

For comments, questions, and suggestions, please visit the original post at or the Pearl Linux website at

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