
A Powerful Multiboot Image for the ODROID-C2: Run Android, Ubuntu MATE, and LibreELEC From A Single Boot Device

I started this journey with a Raspberry Pi 2 device and a bootloader called: “Berryboot” (I am not its developer) that actually is still active and supported by the Raspberry Pi community. Then I heard about this amazing device called ODROID-C2 more powerful than a Raspberry Pi 2 device and actually the same price, so more power more fun, right?  ▶


Android TV: ODROID-C2 with Amazon Prime Video and Netflix

I have been using a ODROID-C2 with LibreELEC for quite a while, but was frustrated by the lack of Amazon Prime Video and Netflix support. I was also using a wireless keyboard/mouse to control it, which led to the disapproval from the spouse, so I wanted a proper TV remote control to control both the TV (power/volume) and the ODROID-C2. Here is the procedure I followed.  ▶


Running Linux Under Android

The ODROID-N2 seems like a perfect Android TV system - everything runs smoothly and converts a regular TV into a valuable smart TV. All is well if that is the only thing you want to do with your ODROID-N2, but for me, it is not enough. I wanted to use  ▶


Linux Gaming: Anbox - Android In A Box

Although I normally only talk about the ARM based ODROID boards I want to talk about the ODROID-H2 today and something that you can do on it. Since the ODROID-H2 is a standard x86_64 (amd64) board you can do exactly the same configuration steps that you perform on every other  ▶